Help with Liturgies
Altar Servers: our Parish is in dire need of Altar Servers of all ages, but especially younger boys, age ten and up for the Holy Masses celebrated on Saturday evenings and Sunday mornings and on Holy Days of obligation. Thankfully, we have an adequate number of Altar Servers who, in their retirement, serve the Lord on weekday mornings and for Funerals.
Lectors: our Parish needs people with poise and a good, clear voice to proclaim God’s Word during our Eucharistic Celebrations. Currently we have enough for some Masses while, for other Masses, we could use more.
Extraordinary Ministers of the Holy Eucharist: Education, formation and a brief period of training is provided for those who are called to serve the Lord in the distribution of the Eucharistic Bread.
Ushers: our Parish needs more ushers as they are called to carry out several important duties in the course of our Liturgical Celebrations and afterwards. They should make sure that the Sanctuary and the Altar are fully prepared for the Eucharistic Celebrations; in the Vestibule, the Offering Table is ready; people are warmly welcomed as they walk in; Gift Bearers (if possible) are chosen to bring up the gifts; the collection is taken; in turn, two ushers should stand by the exit door to provide prompt intervention for anything unusual happening and for emergencies of any sort. After the Liturgy, they place the collection in the designated pouch, put books and cards back in order so that the pews are made ready for the next Liturgical Celebration; the Sanctuary and Altar are returned to their prior condition, etc.