Italian-American Clubs




Altar Society

Sharon Ruggiroli



The members of the Altar Society commit themselves to offering their time, talents and, to a certain extent, even treasure so that the Altar on which the Sacrifice of the Cross is made present at every Mass and its Sanctuary are well kept and equipped with all is needed for the Liturgies of San Francesco Church.


Assunta Society 

Brenda Rivard, President


(586) 524-0027

Società Femminile  della Madonna Assunta was established in the parish of San Francesco a very long time ago for the purpose of uniting the women of the parish to strengthen their Catholic Faith under the tutelage of the Blessed Mother venerated in her Assumption into heaven in all the components of her being. Inspired by the virtues of the Blessed Mother, the members of the Assunta Society every year organize several events to foster fellowship and for the spiritual wellbeing of the whole parish.



Lodge Figli Della Sicilia No. 227

Salvatore Previti, President



15644 Boreas Drive, Macomb, MI 48044



Figli della Sicilia Lodge No. 227 is one of the oldest, largest and most active Sicilian-American Organizations in Michigan. It offers to its members annual events of significance and its purpose is to keep alive Sicilian traditions and customs in a spirit of camaraderie and friendship.


Lucchesi Nel Mondo

Donna Bonaldi-Swan, President



 Association Lucchesi nel Mondo:  The purpose of this association is to undertake, in light of Christian principles, the continuance, preservation, education and acknowledgement of the moral and familial tradition of a specific heritage for those who have ties with and/or are descendants of Lucchesi (people from the province of Lucca) and Toscani (people from the region of Tuscany) in the world currently located in Michigan.



Maria S.S. Di Custonaci

Frank Fontana, President




The Maria Santissima di Custonaci Club focuses on keeping alive among its members sincere devotion to the miraculous Image of Maria SS. di Custonaci. It nurtures fraternal ties between people of the town of Custonaci in Sicily and those living in this part of Michigan. This spiritual unity is strengthened yearly, by the recitation of the proper Novena culminating, at the end of August, with a solemn procession and Holy Mass followed by a lavish banquet. 



Mary Mother of God Prayer Group

Maryanne Ptashnik




 We are Mary Mother of God Prayer Group open to and made up of all people called by the Holy Spirit to console the hearts of Jesus and Mary, to pray weekly under the mantle of Mary, Mother of God, in the presence of Jesus truly present in the Holy Tabernacle. We gather every Monday @ 1:00pm.  After our prayer time in church, we socialize in the parish’s Social Hall because we feel the need to spend some quality time together for Christian fellowship and mutual support. All are welcome, join us!




San Francesco Orphans Club

Joe Zemens, President



To those who wish to implement their missionary spirit in concrete ways, the San Francesco Missionary Orphans Club offers a wonderful and direct way to cultivate it.  It is the missionary spirit that should be in the heart of all Catholics and should be motivating their actions.  The members of the San Francesco Orphans’ Club work as a group to provide financial assistance to orphans and needy children in mission countries where the PIME Missionaries operate. Through different fundraising activities, currently, it raises sufficient funds to support fourteen orphans!




Antonio DiPonio Jr., President




The Sant’Elia Club is an effective means to connect all families living in this area of Michigan that have ties with the town of Sant’Elia Fiumerapido, (Frosinone) for the purpose of promoting the traditions and the heritage of that part of Central Italy to the next generation of Italo-Americans. Each year, the Sant’Elia Club organizes several family-oriented events.